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Fleet-wide Summit a Huge Success— May 2016 Community of Practice Meeting Recap

There’s something magical that we take for granted far too often.  We’re so immersed in it every day that we rarely step back and realize just how unusual it is. The Dream Flight Adventures community—the wizards behind the green curtains—are

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Two More Epic Missions from the IKS Highlander

Mike Kaleta at the IKS Highlander continues to crank out one great hands-on learning adventure after another.  Today we’re pleased to showcase a Maelstrom mission run with Harrison Middle School’s ELL students… … and a Cable Car Design Challange in the Mission Ops

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Simulator Inservice Extravaganza

Yesterday Mike Penn and Heather Oros hosted an inservice day for around 100 teachers in Shaler Area School District on their simulator, the IKS Titan. The teachers attended in groups by grade and specialty.  They received a general briefing just like a

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May 9 Community of Practice Meeting

All interested Administrators and Flight Directors are invited to our next Dream Flight Adventures Simulator Community of Practice Meeting. Monday, May 9, 10:00am-2:00pm. The meeting will be held in the IKS Dreamcatcher at Penn Hills Elementary, 1079 Jefferson Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235

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Video fun & Operation Rx

Hello troops, We’re constantly receiving videos from our simulators around the globe—fantastic footage of students tackling important problems in high-stakes missions.  We’ve tried to share most of these videos here on our blog, but today we’ve carved out a special

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IKS Highlander completes another rousing round of Contaminant

Attention: 8th Grade Science Students at J.E. Harrison Middle School have completed the Contaminant Mission and Mission Ops Experience. This Mission connected to their Unit on Human Impacts on Earth Systems.  Students worked to solve the mystery surrounding a river

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Easter Updates

Happy Easter from everyone here at Dream Flight Adventures! Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder what all this white stuff is. Here are a few quick updates from the community: Community of Practice Newsletter Our first edition

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Operation Rx Coming to IKS Highlander Mission Ops Lab

This just in from the IKS Highlander’s Mission Ops lab: Operation Rx is an extension of the Pandemic Mission for 6th Grade Gifted Students at J. E. Harrison Middle School.  A Sneak Peak into the scenario… Students are working the midnight

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Another Rousing Set of Missions Aboard the IKS Highlander

Admiral Huckelberry of the IKS Highlander continues to run epic missions with the students of J.E. Harrison Middle School, and as icing on the cake he’s put together some fantastic videos showing his students in action. Succession 8th Grade Social Studies Students

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Dream Flight student makes robot that can solve Rubik’s cube

What were you doing when you were 11?  Chances are it wasn’t as cool as what one student—Ethan James at Shaler Area Elementary—is doing:  building a robot that solves Rubik’s cube. Now that Ethan’s robot can solve a Rubik’s cube in

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