New Dream Weaver Challenge

Hello troops, it’s been a quiet past couple of months here on the blog, but things have been anything but quiet behind the scenes here at Dream Flight Adventures.  We have a whole bunch of exciting things to tell you about, but tonight I just have a quick update that our latest Dream Weaver Challenge has been posted.

Our topics this time are:


Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math

  1. Water
  2. Bees
  3. Magnetism
  4. Solar Energy

Arts and Humanities

Social Studies, Arts, & the Humanities

  1. Imperialism
  2. French Revolution
  3. Sculpture
  4. Music

Thought Provoking

Social & Ethical Issues

  1. Needs of the many vs. the needs of the few
  2. Natural rights
  3. What is equality, when is it desired, and when is it not desired?
  4. Society’s responsibility for the elderly

So dream up an interesting story or two and then head over to the  Dream Weaver Challenge page to submit it.


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