Maelstrom Script

Training Mode
Allow the crew to train on their stations for 5-10 minutes.

Call from Headquarters
Call as the Infinity Knights Admiral.  End Training Mode.  Answer questions about the mission.

Special Procedure:  Begin Mission
Activate a Special Procedure to officially begin the mission.  This lets the crew work together as a team to kick off the mission.  Use the Handy Tools to begin the mission and send the ship to Peponi.

Call from Peponi
Call as the Peponi Grand Council.  Reiterate key points of the mission:  the volcano is about to erupt, the city has booster rockets to carry it across the Naruto sea toward its new home along the Tufani river, there’s only enough fuel for a single direct flight, and the crew must analyze various sites along the river to determine where to place four important parts of Peponi.  The farmers need water for agricultural irrigation, the city’s power grid requires a dam for hydroelectric power, the commerce guilds require access to the ocean for trade, and the general population uses water for recreation.  Several probes have been sent ahead to scan the Tufani River.  The crew must analyze data from these probes to decide where each group should be located along the river.

Use the Handy Tools to activate the eruption and launch sequence.  Speak as the Computer or Mechanic to narrate the action as it unfolds.  As needed, direct the ship so the crew can watch this all take place.

Probe 1
Play the video clip containing information about the first site along the Tufani river.  The video will describe the physical features of the Tufani River delta where it flows into the Naruto Sea forming a large bay.

Group Discussion
Speaking as the Mechanic, guide the crew in discussing the river delta region.  Consider which of the four Peponi interest groups (agriculture, trade, utilities, and recreation) would be best suited there.

Probe 2
Play the video clip containing information about the second site along the Tufani river.  The video will describe the physical features of the large flat valley with lush vegetation at the foothills of rocky slopes.

Group Discussion
Speaking as the Mechanic, guide the crew in discussing the second region.  Consider which of the four Peponi interest groups (agriculture, trade, utilities, and recreation) would be best suited there.

Call from Peponi
Call the crew as the Peponi Grand Council.  Inform them that the booster rockets are functioning properly and the city is on schedule for its arrival along the Tufani River.  Ask the crew to share their thoughts on the two regions that they’ve analyzed so far.  Play a “devil’s advocate” role by highlighting areas where their thoughts might cause problems for some of the interest groups.  For example, the farmers will want a  relatively flat area for easy irrigation, narrow passages are more easily dammed for hydroelectric power than wide openings, traders will want ready access to the sea, and people using water for recreation will want large open areas that aren’t too crowded.  Allow the crew to think through options from many angles.

Probe 3
Play the video clip containing information about the third site along the Tufani river.  The video will describe the physical features of the a rocky sloped area where the river cuts through a narrow canyon.

Group Discussion
Speaking as the Mechanic, guide the crew in discussing the third region.

Probe 4
Play the video clip containing information about the fourth site along the Tufani river.  The video will describe the physical features of a wide area in the mountains that branches in many directions.

Group Discussion
Speaking as the Mechanic, guide the crew in discussing the fourth and final region.  Have the crew formulate a final recommendation for where the four parts of Peponi should be placed.

Call from Peponi
Call the crew as the Peponi Grand Council and ask the crew for their recommendation.  Ask questions and allow the crew to justify their decisions.

Then, inform the crew that they are approaching the Nenaunir Maelstrom.  Tell the crew that no one who has entered the Maelstrom has ever returned and that it has become the topic of many frightening legends.  Remind the crew that there isn’t enough rocket fuel to go around the Maelstrom and ask the crew to protect the city from any dangers that lie within.

Into the Maelstrom
As the ship enters the Maelstrom, create several onboard emergencies to make the situation intense.  Damage several systems and trigger a medical emergency.  Set the lights to red and play the Intense music track.

Encounter with the Nenaunir Entity
Right in the middle of the Maelstrom is the Nenaunir Entity.  This gigantic and mysterious creature threatens the ship and Peponi.  Cue the alert sirens and narrate the action so the entire crew understands the severity of this threat.  If the crew tries to communicate with the Nenaunir Entity respond only with garbled noise.

Resistance is Futile
Allow the crew to defend Peponi by attacking the Nenaunir Entity.  Point out that these attacks are entirely ineffective against the creature.

Call from Peponi
Call the crew as the Peponi Grand Council in terror.  Ask what the creature is and tell the crew that if they don’t do something Peponi will almost certainly be destroyed.

Brilliant Insight from the Mechanic
Speaking as the mechanic, indicate that the creature seems to be attracted to the light and heat of Peponi’s giant booster rockets.  Suggest that if the crew were to adjust their own shields to emit a bright hot signal it might catch the creature’s attention and draw it away from Peponi.

Special Procedure:  Modify Shields
Activate a Special Procedure to allow the crew to work together as a team to adjust their shields.

Daring Distraction
Once the Special Procedure is complete, make the Nenaunir Entity begin moving toward and attacking the ship.  Narrate the action so the entire crew knows that their plan is working.  Point out that the ship is in great risk.  Heavily damage many of the ship’s systems.  Indicate that the crew must hold out long enough for Peponi to cross out of the Maelstrom and land along the Tufani River.

Call from Peponi
Just when the ship is about to be destroyed, call as the Peponi Grand Council and enthusiastically proclaim that they made it through the maelstrom safely and landed the city in the chosen locations.  State that each of the four interest groups is thrilled with the location the crew picked for them.  The city has been saved and that they all owe their lives to the crew.  Thank them profusely for their heroic deeds.

Grand Finale
Speaking as the Mechanic, activate the Emergency Return Portal to bring the ship back to headquarters before the Nenaunir Entity can destroy it.  Call the crew as the Infinity Knights Admiral.  Reiterate that the crew’s bravery distracted the creature long enough for Peponi to reach its destination safely.

Congratulate the crew on successfully completing the mission, play the victory music, and let the crew give themselves a round of applause as they exit the ship.